In February, I wrote 11,431 words and The Acros Raiders: Down in Flames is now at 58,618 words! I did do quite a bit of deleting and some of the word count is for book 2 and book 3 notes, so I essentially added 6k words to book 2 this month.
I'm expecting better progress in March because I have some good news: I'm finally going full time as an author! I couldn't do it without Max's support. He's been saying I should focus on writing for years now and we finally got a good opportunity to make it happen. I'd been wondering who to dedicate book 2 to and he's absolutely the easiest choice now because he's making it possible.
I didn't have any book selling events this month, but I went to Guy Cote's book signing at Joseph's Tea Room in Clearwater. He just released his third book, The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress, a historical fiction novel based on Robert Kennedy's assassination.

We had lobster bisque with a traditional afternoon tea and it was such a great time. It was a fancier event than what I'm used to, so I had to go out and buy a dress for it.
It was really cool meeting another local author and learning about his writing process. He plotted his first book in detail and his second novel was a mix between plotting and pantsing, which is exactly how it's going for me! It made me feel like I am doing things right. Although I know the writing process is different for every author.
His stories of being at writers' conferences has me really interested in attending some myself. After seeing the cost of tickets to some coming up locally, I think I might put it off until next year! The downside to going full time is that it does not pay as well as my old job! Networking is important, but I think I'll stick to social networking (like Instagram) in the meantime.
Following up on my last recap, my Instagram poll results were in favor of the second edition cover, so I will continue focusing on that one! My main focus, of course, is just finally finishing book 2.
I'll see you all in the next recap!